Welcome to the MOS/GFINDER documentation
MOS-GFINDER is in development and available for use as alpha version. Documentation is not consistently updated. Last release: v0.25 (Mar 7, 2023). See Release Notes.
Welcome to the MOS/GFINDER documentation#
MOS-GFINDER is a SPICE-based software application for the identification and simulation of the MAJIS instrument scientific observation opportunities and operations onboard the ESA’s JUICE spacecraft.

About this documentation#
The purpose of this online documentation is to provide guidance and support to the MAJIS science operations team in installing, configuring, using, debugging and extending the capabilities of GFINDER; now, and until the end of the JUICE mission in 2033!
The intended readers are primarily the scientists and engineers involved in the current MAJIS science strategic planning, and future science operations planning activities. It will also be useful to the JUICE SOC team to better understand and take into account for MAJIS team’s needs.
We adopt the Divio documentation system based on four different purposes:
“Introduction” is understanding-oriented (explain in form of a discursive explanation).
“Get started” is learning-oriented (allow the newcomer to get started in form of a lesson).
“How-to guides” are goal-oriented (show how to solve a specific problem in form of a series of steps).
“References” is oriented to information (describe the machinery in form of a dry description).
This online documentation provides a useful search functionality and an Index page.
This online documentation, and its associated PDF document, are automatically generated from the GFINDER software package content at each new software release; this content includes the source code, text files (reST), notebooks, PDFs and images. Together they are intended to constitute the complete GFINDER documentation set.
All applicable and reference documents are available in the MAJIS SGS MOS Redmine document management system.