Scenario module#

Scenario module.

gfinder.scenario.EVENT_ID_SYNONYMS = {'GCO500': 'phase:GCO500', 'GCO5000': 'phase:GCO5000', 'GEOa': 'phase:GEOa', 'GEOb': 'phase:GEOb', 'Ganymede_Phase_all': 'phase:All Ganymede phases', 'Jupiter_Phase_1': 'phase:Approach and first ellipse', 'Jupiter_Phase_2': 'phase:Energy reduction', 'Jupiter_Phase_3': 'phase:Europa flybys', 'Jupiter_Phase_4': 'phase:High-latitude', 'Jupiter_Phase_5': 'phase:Low energy', 'Jupiter_Phase_all': 'phase:All Jupiter phases', 'Mission_phase_all': 'phase:All mission phases', 'TGCO': 'phase:TGCO', 'TOUR': 'custom:TOUR'}#

List of synonyms defined for specific mission event IDs.


Symbol used in the config file to specify the output_dir of a mission metakernel file relative to output_dir of the JUICE SPICE Kernels directory, which specified by the GFINDER_KERNELS_DIR environment variable.

class gfinder.scenario.MissionScenario(mission_scenario_dict, basedir)[source]#

Bases: object


Inits MissionScenario object.

  • mission_scenario_dict

  • basedir – base directory of event files


Returns list of SPICE kernel files associated to a mission scenario.

Used by (un)loadKernels methods.

get_event(event_id) gfinder.event.Event[source]#

Returns an (MOS) Event object from the DataStore for given event ID.

An Event ID within MOS is defined as a unique string identifier allowing to retrieve an event defined in the data store events files. Value is formed as follows:

event_id: ‘<event_file_key>:<key1>[:<key2>]’ or ‘<synonym>’


  • <event_file_key> is the key of event file as defined in the Mission Scenario Index file, for example:

‘phase’, ‘timeline’, ‘orbit’, ‘dl’ and ‘custom’. - <key1> is the name of the event (eg: ‘GCO500’ or ‘PERIJOVE_12PJ’), or the name of the events list (eg: ‘FLYBY_EUROPA’ or ‘DL_’). - <key2> is the optional name of the event, when exists (eg: ‘7E1’ for ‘FLYBY_EUROPA’ events list), or the occurence number of the event in the events list (eg: ‘66’ for ‘IO_TRANSIT’ events list).

When only <event_file_key> is provided (no <key1> and <key2>), it is assumed to be a synonym and its corresponding event ID is derived; see self.synonym_event_id() method.

get_events_ids(event_file_key='', filter=None, before=None, after=None) list[str][source]#

Returns a list of event ids matching given filters.

Temporary implementation of ‘filter’: EventsDict.find() not working as expected, filtering output event_ids


filter=’^VIS.*E$’ # to filter event names starting with ‘VIS’ and ending with a ‘E’


Returns validity of a MissionScenario object.

Valid means mission scenario has an identifier and that paths to meta-kernel and event files exist.


Return True if all mission kernels are loaded in the SPICE kernel pool.


Load SPICE kernels associated to a mission scenario.


Loads defined ESA events files.


Returns MOS event ID from synonym.

Attempts to: - use synonyms from within the EVENT_ID_SYNONYMS dictionary (eg: ‘TOUR’ -> ‘custom:TOUR’), - identify flyby Crema name as synonym (eg: ‘7E1’ -> ‘timeline:FLYBY_EUROPA:7E1’), - identify perijove and apojove as synonym (eg: ‘PJ12’ -> ‘timeline:PERIJOVE_12PJ’), - identify orbit number as synonym (eg: ‘ORB54’ -> ‘orbit:54’)


Unload SPICE kernels associated to a mission scenario, except the LSK and JUICE OPS FK kernels.


Returns target name corresponding to input flyby Crema name.

For example: ‘7E1’ -> ‘EUROPA’