Utils module#

gfinder.utils.add_roi_to_geojson(geojson_file, id, center_lon, center_lat, diameter, body_radius, n_vertices)[source]#
gfinder.utils.autoclass_content(module_name, class_name)[source]#
gfinder.utils.check_crossing(lon1: float, lon2: float, validate: bool = False, dlon_threshold: float = 180.0)[source]#

Assuming a minimum travel distance between two provided longitude coordinates, checks if the 180th meridian (antimeridian) is crossed.

gfinder.utils.nomenclature_to_roi(input_geojson_file, output_geojson_file, body_radius, n_vertices)[source]#

Turn an input nomenclature GeoJSON file containing the longitude, latitude, and diameter of each POINT feature into an output GeoJSON file containing a ‘polygonized’ geometry features.

gfinder.utils.roi_pnt2vtx(center_lon, center_lat, diameter, body_radius, n_vertices)[source]#
gfinder.utils.split_polygon(geojson: dict, output_format: str = 'geojson', validate: bool = False) Union[List[dict], List[shapely.geometry.polygon.Polygon], shapely.geometry.collection.GeometryCollection][source]#

Given a GeoJSON representation of a Polygon, returns a collection of ‘antimeridian-safe’ constituent polygons split at the 180th meridian, ensuring compliance with GeoJSON standards (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7946#section-3.1.9) Assumptions:

  • Any two consecutive points with over 180 degrees difference in longitude are assumed to cross the antimeridian

  • The polygon spans less than 360 degrees in longitude (i.e. does not wrap around the globe)

  • However, the polygon may cross the antimeridian on multiple occasions

  • geojson (dict) –

    GeoJSON of input polygon to be split. For example: { “type”: “Polygon”, “coordinates”: [


    [179.0, 0.0], [-179.0, 0.0], [-179.0, 1.0], [179.0, 1.0], [179.0, 0.0]


  • output_format (str) – Available options: “geojson”, “polygons”, “geometrycollection” If “geometrycollection” returns a Shapely GeometryCollection. Otherwise, returns a list of either GeoJSONs or Shapely Polygons

  • validate (bool) – Checks if all longitudes are within [-180.0, 180.0]


antimeridian-safe polygon(s)

Return type


gfinder.utils.translate_polygons(geometry_collection: shapely.geometry.collection.GeometryCollection, output_format: str = 'geojson') Generator[Union[List[dict], List[shapely.geometry.polygon.Polygon]], None, None][source]#