JUICE Mission Events#

We discuss here the need for handling and managing JUICE mission planning events: phases and segments, and other geometrical events (eg: closest approach) , which depends on the spacecraft trajectory scenario.

Segment Definitions Report#

One of the outcomes of Level 0+ planning activities is the scientific segmentation of the “timeline”, and the generation of operational timing constraints (eg: downlink (DL)), as Event files.

The Segment Definitions Report document contains the definition of all the science segments generated in the JUICE SOC Timeline. It is important to note that:

  • GFINDER/MORS make use of these segments as planning input time windows to search for observation opportunities and plan science operations, and

  • GFINDER can be used during Level 0+ planning activities to propose new segments.


Data package, containing event files/tables, from last communication with Claire Vallat (JUICE SOC) is available in Redmine.