Developer Resources#

SPICE programming#



SPICE Required Reading Documents


Web development#


“Smoother user experience, with less loading times and less perceived transitions - data is fetched in the background, and only a part of the page is reloaded. With Django templates, you are reloading the page completely with each click.”

{% verbatim %}

“Build a REST API in 30 minutes with Django REST Framework”

“django rest framework non ORM” (no Models)

“DRF does indeed support what you are trying to do. The simplest implementation is to create a view that inherits from APIView and override the get method.”

“The ModelSerializer is just a specialization of the Serializer. Don’t use the model variant if you don’t want it.”

The basics of RESTful Web services

A REST web service follows four basic design principles:

  • Use HTTP methods explicitly.

  • Be stateless.

  • Expose directory structure-like URIs.

  • Transfer XML, JavaScript Object Notation (JSON), or both.

REST web service uses HTTP methods explicitly and in a way that’s consistent with the protocol definition:

  • To create a resource on the server, use POST.

  • To retrieve a resource, use GET.

  • To change the state of a resource or to update it, use PUT.

  • To remove or delete a resource, use DELETE.

Best Practices for Designing a Pragmatic RESTful API

Creating a RESTful API: Django REST Framework vs. Flask

Using Axios to Consume APIs

Fetch and XMLHttpRequest

JS error handling and Promise methods


Vuejs Dynamic Components - might be useful for handling data view switching

CSS Make A Div Full Screen

Ployly-Vue framework

Tabulator data table JS - Vue framework

Creating timelines with Plotlyjs


Documenting Python Code: A Complete Guide

Daniele Procida - DIVIO documentation system

Carol Willing - Practical Sphinx - PyCon 2018