Source code for gfinder.detector

"""Detector module."""

import spiceypy as spice

[docs]class Detector: def __init__(self, detector_name, ops_mode=None): = detector_name self.mode = ops_mode, found = spice.bodn2c(detector_name) self.frame = '' self.bsight = [] self.bounds = [] self.ifov = [] self.valid = True if not found: self.valid = False print('Unable to retrieve SPICE instrument code for detector name: ' + return # Retrieve SPICE detector FOV try: shape, frame, bsight, n, bounds = spice.getfov(, 100) except: print( 'Unable to retrieve FOV parameters for SPICE instrument code: ' + str( + ' (' + + ')') self.valid = False return self.frame = frame self.bsight = bsight self.bounds = bounds self.ifov, found = spice.gdpool('INS' + str( + '_IFOV', 0, 2) # Set MAJIS detector binning (1,2, or 4) based on detector name self.binning = 1 token ='_')[-1] if token == 'B2': self.binning = 2 elif token == 'B4': self.binning = 4 def __repr__(self): return '<%s %r>' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.__dict__)
[docs] def get_bounds(self): N_PVECS = 100 # x2 actually bounds = self.bounds interpolated = True if not interpolated: return bounds n_bounds = len(bounds) facet_sizes = [] for j in range(n_bounds): facet_sizes.append(spice.vnorm(bounds[(j + 1) % n_bounds] - bounds[j])) min_facet_size = min(facet_sizes) max_facet_size = max(facet_sizes) n_max = int(N_PVECS / (1 + (min_facet_size / max_facet_size))) n_min = N_PVECS - n_max pvecs = [] for j in range(n_bounds): # set number of facet pointing vectors if facet_sizes[j] == min_facet_size: n_facet_pvecs = 2 #n_min else: n_facet_pvecs = 100 #n_max # create and append facet pointing vectors for i in range(n_facet_pvecs): pvec = bounds[j] + i * (bounds[(j + 1) % n_bounds] - bounds[j]) / n_facet_pvecs pvecs.append(list(pvec)) return pvecs
[docs] def get_bsight(self): return self.bsight
[docs] def get_forward_bsight(self): # detector frame +Y direction (~SC velocity direction, when "forward motion") return spice.vrotv(self.bsight, [1.0, 0.0, 0.0], -0.5*self.ifov[1])
[docs] def get_backward_bsight(self): # detector frame -Y direction (~SC velocity direction, when "reverse motion") return spice.vrotv(self.bsight, [1.0, 0.0, 0.0], +0.5*self.ifov[1])
[docs] def isValid(self): return self.valid